Feed Gate and Platen Operation
When the AUTOCYCLE button is depressed, a contact is made that energizes the motor starter
coil, starting the electric motor and at the same time energizing T1 timer coil, T2 timer coil, and
R1 relay coil. When R1 is energized, the hydraulic oil is directed by the directional control valve
from a signal to the SV1A solenoid that shifts the valve. The oil is directed to the base end of
the cylinder to extend the cylinder and lower the platen. When T2 times out, the contacts
reverse. This de-energizes R1 which causes the down solenoid to de-energize, and the up
solenoid (SV1B) to energize. Oil is directed to the rod end of the cylinder and the platen is
raised. As the platen reaches the full up position, the baler feed gate opens. Opening the feed
gate causes the magnetic interlock contact to open which stops power to the motor starter coil
and shuts the baler down. If the feed gate fails to open, the T1 timer will time out and break
power to the motor starter coil, shutting the baler down. NOTE: The BALE MADE LIGHT will be
illuminated if the T2 timer times out while the BALE MADE limit switch is activated. When this
happens, the motor will stop with the platen in the down position.
Ejector Operation
When the bale is ejected, the MANUAL UP button must be depressed and held which ener-
gizes the motor starter coil, starting the electric motor. At the same time, the RETRACT/EJECT
switch must be turned and held to the right (EJECT). This energizes the coil on the SV2A sole-
noid valve causing it to shift and direct fluid to the base end of the cylinder which cause the
ejector to eject the bale.
When the ejector is retracted, the MANUAL UP button must be depressed and held which ener-
gizes the motor starter coil, starting the electric motor. At the same time, the RETRACT/EJECT
switch must be turned and held to the left (RETRACT). This energizes the coil on the SV2B
solenoid valve causing it to shift and direct fluid to the rod end of the cylinder which cause the
ejector to retract.