Off - No measurement will be sent to the USB
NOTE: When the time is in 0 minutes the instrument will not be shut off.
5.4.3 Serial Baud
▲ or ▼ select between ,57600, 38400, 19200 or 9600 Press and hold SAVE for 3
seconds to store the data and ESC to return to the previous menu.
5.4.4 Header
Using ▲ or ▼ select between yes or no Press and hold SAVE for 3 seconds to store the data
and ESC to return to the previous menu.
5.5 User Test
The instrument alow users to calibrate a user courve.
NOTE: When user courve is calibrated, the instrument performance might change due to
standard and procedures adopted, factory calibrated courve is made with 100% tracable
standards and reference materials in controlled environment, use it in order to have full
confidence in instrument performance.
For more information on how to calibrate user courve please refer to the advanced operations
instructions manual for the turbidity meter AP2000.
5.6 Security/Password
Here you can set up the security level and pasword for the Calibration, configuration and service
On page (..) you will find the security level chart, use this as reference for the security levels you will
assign to each function.
The Factory pre-saved password is 9999, if this is requires during conf
iguration or operation use ▲ to
scroll faster to letters , ▼ to scroll faster to numbers (both can be used to go up or down) and
MENU/READ (send the cursor to the right/left), press and hold SAVE for 3 seconds to store the data.
5.6.1 ID
Here you will assign a security level and password to aces all the ID functions.
Using ▲ or ▼ select the desired security level, when done, press and hold SAVE for 3 seconds to
store the data.