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This screen contains the main configuration options. for the wireless access point mode.
SSID: The service set identifier (SSID) is used as a
unique identifier for a wireless LAN. It’s commonly
called the network name. Here you enter the name
you wish to use for this wireless network. Since this is
a dual-‐band device equipped with two independently
operating wireless radios, you can define both the 2.4
GHz and the AC (5 GHz) network names here.
Security Type: Unless you do not want to lock down your wireless
network in any way, shape or form and allow anyone free access, you will
want to enable wireless security. Your choices are “WEP,” “WPA PSK,”
“WPA/WPA2 PSK” and “WPA2 PSK.” WEP encryption is highly insecure. It
should not be used if you want the security encryption to provide actual
security. WPA2 is what should be used in almost all cases. If you have
older wireless devices that have trouble with WPA2 encryption, you can
enable WPA/WPA2 encryption. This mode activates both WPA TKIP (less secure) and WPA2 (AES) (more secure), which
diminishes performance and weakens the security of your network. While still much better than WEP, WPA2 PSK is by far
the better option. If you are unsure about which wireless clients you have, and if they all will be able to connect, we
recommend that you start with WPA2 and only drop down to WPA/WPA2 PSK if clients have problems joining.
Once you select WPA2, you need to provide a wireless password. Check the unmask option to view the password in clear
text. The password must be at least eight characters in length, and for maximum compatibility we recommend refraining
from using any spaces (blank characters) in the password.