Regulation MMC is designed exclusively for indoor use. It should be placed on the inner wall about 1,5m
above the floor, in areas where changes in the overall room temperature will occur due to free-circulating
air. Do not mount above heat sources (TV, heater, refrigerator, etc.), even where it would be exposed
to direct sunlight, drafts, radiation from devices, or in a humid environment.
Install the MMC regulation to the selected location using dowels and screws.
The MMC control box contains a temperature sensor and must therefore be in the residential zone. It is
possible to connect an external temperature sensor. Connect the MMC regulation and heater MONZUN
according to the wiring diagram see Pic. 4.
After connecting the cables, snap out the latch using a screwdriver (see Pic. 1, 2) and disconnect the
cable between the control and power board. Then fix the thermostat into the box using screws, then
reconnect the cable between the control and power board.
The controller is switched on and off by pressing the button
Hold down both buttons to switch to the option of setting the time and day of the week. Use the
button to change between hour, minute and day setting. Press to exit this setting.
Use the button to switch between heating and ventilation mode. If ventilation mode is selected, the
inscription FAN appears on the left side of the display and the air fan starts. If the air fan does not start,
check the wiring eventually contact the service organization or the manufacturer.
If you select the heating mode, the inscription HEAT is appears on the left side of the display, then you
can change the burner output power with the button . The controller has 8 levels of regulation, the
lowest output 1 corresponds to 60% of the burner output power of the MONZUN hot air heater, the
highest output 8 corresponds to 100% of the burner output power. These power levels can be selected
manually, the inscription MANUAL appears in the upper left corner of the screen. If you switch to
automatic mode, the inscription AUTO will appear in the upper left corner of the screen. The burner
output power then changes automatically depending on the measured and set temperature. If the heater
is heating, a valve symbol appears on the display below the desired heating value. If the MONZUN
heater does not start and the red backlight of the RESET button lights up, pressing this button will restart
the heater. If the unit does not start up for the third time, contact the service organization or the
Press one of the buttons to set the desired temperature. Below this value, the symbol is
displayed, which means that we are in manual mode (heating to the set temperature).
By holding the button you can switch between manual heating mode and weekly program.