Fig. 14 Operation with additional load applied to the front of the tractor.
4.5 Rules for transporting the harrow on public roads and lighting the
In accordance with the road safety regulations (Regulation of the Minister of
Infrastructure of 31.12.2002. Journal of Laws No. 32 of 2002, item 262) - the unit
consisting of the agricultural tractor and the agricultural machine coupled with it must
meet requirements identical to those imposed on the tractor itself.
The units should be equipped with:
- triangular plaque distinguishing slow-moving vehicles,
- two forward-facing plates having a white running lights and a white retro-reflector,
- two rear-facing plates having a combination light and a red reflector. The boards
should be painted in slanted red and white stripes.
Once the plates have been fixed, the electrical wires of the warning-light device should
be connected to the socket of the tractor's electrical installation.
The manufacturer does not supply warning signs as standard equipment on the machine.
Warning signs are available commercially.
Driving style should always be adapted to the road conditions - this will help avoid
accidents and damage to the chassis. Consider your own skills and the intensity of the
movement, the prevailing visibility and the weather.
Before transporting, the machine should be cleaned from the soil and the operation of
the lights checked. After lifting the machine, check the clearance under the lowest
The unit as a part of the vehicle projecting beyond the rear side contour
of the tractor obstructing the tractor's rear lights poses a danger to other vehicles on the
road. Be sure to observe the transport recommendations given in section 3 "General
safety rules". It is forbidden to travel on public roads without proper signage.