For data see original declaration
If required this declaration is
enclosed with the delivery note.
In accordance with Article 4, paragraph 2, in conjunction with Appendix II, section B, of
Directive 89/392/EEC, version 93/44/EEC
MAN Nutzfahrzeuge Aktiengesellschaft,
hereby declares that the engine described below is destined for installation in a machine
as defined in the EC directive on machines.
Engine model:
Engine number:
Rating / speed:
The manufacturer of the complete ready-to-use machine in which this engine is
to be installed must take the further action necessary in the context of indirect
safety-related engineering and provision of instructions to ensure that the ready-
to-use machine complies with the requirements of the EC directive on machines.
The engine must not be put into operation until the complete machine satisfies
the conditions laid down in the EC directive on machines 89/392/EEC, most re-
cently amended by 93/44/EEC, or the latest amendment of said directive.
MAN Nutzfahrzeuge Aktiengesellschaft
Vogelweiherstraße 33
D–90441 Nürnberg