P 4 / 15
< 1 > Lubrication
Apply MAKITA grease N No.1 to the following portions marked with black triangle to protect parts and machine
from unusual abrasion. See Fig. 1.
< 2 > Sealing
< 3 > Disassembling and assembling
Apply three bond 1215 to the following portion of gear housing cover which joins to gear housing, when assembling.
See Fig. 2.
(1) Removing shoe
Turn lever 60 (adjusting lever for shoe), and take off pan head screw M4x10. Then, lever 60 can be removed.
Take off hex bolt M8x25 (This hex bolt can be unscrewed by using lock lever as a wrench.), and inner plate.
Remove shoe by pulling out. See Fig. 3.
(2) Disassembling blade clamp section
Remove shoe as mentioned above. Pull out the blade clamp section, if it stays near gear housing.
1. Take off retaining ring S-18 with No.1R291 "Snap ring plier".
2. Take off driving sleeve, shoulder pin 5, compression spring 6,
pin 3, guide sleeve and driving sleeve guide from slider.
Apply 7g.
Apply 12g.
Gear housing
Apply here three bond 1215
for sealing.
Gear housing cover
Fig. 1
Fig. 2
Fig. 3
Fig. 4
Turn lever 60
(adjusting lever for shoe).
Take off pan head screw M4x10.
<Note> Be careful, not to lose
hex nut M4 in lever 60.
Pan head screw
Lever 60
Hex nut M4
Lock lever
Inner plate
Hex bolt M8x25
Pull out shoe.
Retaining ring S-18
Driving sleeve
Compression spring 6
Shoulder pin 5
Pin 3