P 12 / 15
(8) Disassembling armature
1. After removing shoe and insulation cover, remove brush holder caps and carbon brushes. And separate the gear
housing section from motor housing by unscrewing 4 pcs. of tapping screws M5x30. See Fig. 20.
(9) Assembling armature
1. Take the reverse steps of the above Figs.
Tapping screw
Tapping screw
Brush holder cap
Brush holder cap
Carbon brush
Carbon brush
Fig. 20
2. Remove baffle plate, and unscrew 2 pcs. of countersunk head screws M5x12, then armature can be
removed together with bearing retainer 58, from gear housing section. See Fig. 20A.
3. After taking off the stop ring E-10 of armature's gear side, remove ball bearing 6001DDW with No.1R269
" Bearing Extractor". Then, armature can be separated from bearing retainer 58.
Holding the armature body with plier, remove ball bearing 627DDW with No.1R269 "Bearing Extractor".
See Fig. 20B.
< Note > Countersunk head screws M5x12 are the adhesive screws. It is recommended to unscrew with
an impact driver.
Countersunk head
screws M5x12
Baffle plate
Bearing retainer 58
Fig. 20A
Fig. 20B
Stop ring E-10
Ball bearing 6001DDW
Stop ring E-10
Flat washer 12
Bearing retainer 58
Ball bearing
Ball bearing
No.1R269 Bearing extractor
No.1R269 Bearing Extractor
< Note > Do not fasten bearing retainer 58 with the used adhesive countersunk head screws M5x12 in the
step of Fig. 20A. Always use fresh adhesive countersunk head screws.
< Note > Be careful, not to be pinched your fingers between motor housing and gear housing section in
the step of Fig. 20, because armature is dragged strongly by magnetic force of yoke.