iring Diagram
[3]-4. Varistor and Fuse
Terminal unit
Fig. D-1
Sirocco fan
Fig. 6
Cause of Breakage:
Varistor is broken when Charging circuit is continuously loaded with very high voltage; for example, when Charger is
plugged in a power source at double the rated voltage. In this case, Fuse will also be blown up to protect Charging circuit.
Sign of Breakage:
Cracks and/or black discoloration on the surface of Varistor, melt-down Fuse
What to Do for Repair:
You need not replace Charging circuit entirely.
Replace Varistor and Fuse by removing them from Charging circuit using soldering iron,
then by soldering new ones in place on Charging circuit as illustrated in Fig.6.
If Fuse is blown up although Varistor is not broken;
Charging circuit can be broken for some reason other than mentioned above.
In this case, replace Charging circuit entirely.
Charging circuit
Charging circuit for 110V-120V
Charging circuit
Charging circuit for 220V-240V
Power supply cord
Power supply cord
Route Lead wires as described in Fig. D-1.
Note: In order not to pinch Lead wires between Charger case cover and Charger case,
do not route them on or over the ribs and the outside wall of Cheater case cover.
Charger case cover
Bundle Lead wires
with this Wire clip.
[Around Terminal Unit]
[Power Supply Cord]
Route the Lead wires
of Terminal unit
between the ribs of
Charger case cover.
Route the Lead wires of Sirocco fan:
between the ribs of Charger case cover
between the rib and the outside wall of Charger case cover
Fix Power supply cord securely
in this rib of Charger case cover.