6.1.2 Alarms
If the red signal lamp lights up, this means that the water tank is empty if the machine is in use with a
water tank connection. All machine functions will be automatically blocked by an internal electronic
device to prevent damage of the heating element. To reset normal working conditions, take the
following actions:
1. Turn off the main switch.
2. Make sure that the switch under the machine is placed in position “0”.
3. Fill the water tank.
4. Turn on the main switch.
6.2 Machine in use with direct water connection
1. First of all, make sure that the machine is connected to the direct water supply adapter and
connected to water supply connection (water tap). Make sure that your water tap is always
open during usage so that the machine does not run out of water.
2. Connect the machine to an appropriate power outlet through the power supply cable.
3. Turn the power switch to “I”. The machine is now on.
4. The green signal lamp lights up. The pump begins to fill the boiler of the machine with fresh
5. As soon as the boiler has filled, no more pump noise will be heard, the machine will heat up
6. Wait until the boiler pressure gauge indicates approx. 1.01.3 bar or a temperature of 120° C
248°F has been reached.
7. Move the group lever into the upper position and dispense approx. 500 ml of water. This way,
the heat exchanger will be filled with water and the circulation of the water in the
thermosiphon system begins.
8. Move the group lever into the lower position.
9. The machine is now ready for use.
6.2.3 Alarms
If the red signal lamp lights up, this means that the direct water connection supply is switched off. All
machine functions will be automatically blocked by an internal electronic device to prevent damage of
the heating element. To reset normal working conditions, take the following actions
1. Turn the main switch off first.
2. Make sure that the switch under the machine is placed on position “I”.
3. Then open the direct water connection.
4. Then switch the machine on.
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