English 6
Q: I ordered extra carbon filters but they are not in the box
A: Carbon filters look like tea bags and will be packaged together in one single sachet.
Q: The collec%on jug is not in the box
A: The collec&on jug is packaged inside the boiling chamber.
Q: The machine will not turn off when pressing the ‘ON’ bu?on
A: The ‘ON’ bu/on is to start the machine only, it cannot be used to prematurely stop
the machine mid cycle. To forcefully stop the machine, turn off at the wall.
Q: The machine started as soon as connected to the mains without pressing ‘ON’
A: Upon first use the machine may be set to ‘ON’ mode if the ‘ON’ switch has been
pressed before connected to the mains. The ‘ON’ switch will reset once the machine
has automa&cally powered off allowing you to use it to start the machine next &me.
Q: How can I clean inside the collec%on jug?
A: Fill with 0.5 litres of water, a/ach the lid and thoroughly shake to rinse and clean
inside. Pour away excess water and repeat this step a couple of &mes if needed.
Q: There is a strong smell coming from inside the boiling chamber aAer dis%lling
A: The smell comes from le? behind residue which the dis&ller has successfully
removed from the water. This will likely include heavy metals and chemicals which
will give off a strong smell. This is perfectly normal and is how the dis&ller removes
the impuri&es from the source water to produce pure water.
Q: The water has a flat / different taste than expected
A: Dis&lled water is very different from tap, bo/led and even filtered water in that it
is free from all impuri&es such as chemicals, heavy metals and inorganic minerals. If
drinking dis&lled water for the first &me it can be a no&ceable change and will require
some geMng used to. Most people adjust a?er 1-2 weeks. Please also read the
“BREAKING IN PERIOD” page of this manual for more informa&on.
Q: Can I upgrade my warranty
A: You can upgrade your warranty to 2 or 3 years if you contact us within the first 28
days a?er your purchase.
Q: I’d like to refer a friend and receive my £20 cash reward, what do I do
A: You can setup a referral account to generate a unique referral link to give to your
friends, more info here www.makewaterpure.co.uk/refer-a-friend. Or you can simply
contact us via email a?er they have purchased and provide us with their full name.