MP2600D, MP2600C & MP1700E Series Installation Manual V1.4
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MP2600D, MP2600Ca and MP1700E routers are modular routers and they
provide two slots. SLOT1 is voice card slot for VOP and VOS series voice
modules. SLOT0 is MIM slot compatible with all serial interface modules.
Supported modules are 1SAE, 1CE1, 1E1, 1M336, 1M128, 1U, 1VOP, 2VOP,
1VOS, 2VOS, 1ETE, 1ST and 8AX.
Sync/Async Serial Interface
Module (SAE) Series
1-port High-speed V.24/V.35 Serial
Module (1SAE)
1SAE module is applied for MP2600D, MP2600C and MP1700E routers, and
its main function is to complete the processing of 1port sync/async serial
data flow. For synchronization, DCE working mode is 2.048Mbps; DTE
working mode is 8Mbps.
For Asynchronization, it is 115.2Kbps. The MP2600D, MP2600C and
MP1700E router serial interface default working mode is in synchronous
mode. Synchronous serial interface works in DTE or DCE mode. In DTE
mode, it receives external DCE clock, such as external modem; while in
the mode of DCE, router provides clock. V24/V35 mode switch is through