Mahr GmbH • Millimar C1202
Possible functions:
(shown as x in the formula)
Current measuring value that is calculated from the selected linking formula is
always displayed.
Greatest measuring value (maximum value) is always shown. The value displayed
only changes if the currently valid maximum value is exceeded.
Lowest measuring value (minimum value) is always shown. The value displayed only
changes if that value is less than currently valid minimum value.
The sum of the lowest value measured so far (minimum value) and the highest value
measured so far (maximum value) divided by 2 is always shown. The value displayed
only changes if a value less than the currently valid minimum value is recorded or if
the currently valid maximum value is exceeded. This function is used to calculate the
mean of the maximum value and the minimum value.
The average of all of the previously measured single values is always shown.
The average value is calculated using the following formula: (measuring value 1 +
measuring value 2 + ..... + measuring value x) / (Number x) of single measuring
The difference between the lowest value measured so far (minimum value) and
the greatest value measured so far (maximum value) is always shown. The value
displayed only changes if a value less than the currently valid minimum value is
recorded or if the currently valid maximum value is exceeded.
(inverse tangent)
This function is used to calculate angles, e.g. a cone angle. The inverse tangent is
calculated from the selected linking formula. The result can be displayed according
to the unit selected: degrees, degrees/min´/sec´´ or Rad.