After Driving
Brake fluid will damage the painted
surface & interior /exterior trims. If brake
fluid gets on these surfaces, wipe it off
Power steering:
Check the oil level
regularly when engine is off, if the level is
low add the recommended power steering
oil until it reaches Max level. It should be
kept between Max & Min level.
Brake pedal:
Check the brake pedal
for smooth operation
Clutch pedal:
Check the clutch pedal
for smooth operation
Parking brake:
Check the parking
brake lever for smooth operation
Check the tyres for air pressure;
Check tread every month for wear and
foreign objects
Check battery and terminals
for corrosion
Be extremely cautious when working
on the battery. It contains corrosive &
poisonous sulphuric acid.
Air conditioner:
Check its operation for
effective cooling every week; Note any
drop in cooling efficiency
Windshield washer fluid:
Check that
there is adequate fluid in the tank.
Windscreen defroster:
Check the fan,
heater and air conditioner every month
Doors: Check all doors including the tail
door for smooth opening/closing and
secure locking
Seat Belts:
Check all the parts of seat belt
system working properly and smoothly.
Check belt webbing for cuts, fraying wear
or damage.
Adding wind shield washer fluid
If washer does not work, the washer tank
may be empty. Add washer fluid.
Use recommended washer fluid or plain
water (in case of non-availability of fluid).
For the vehicles operated in cold area
where the temperature is below freezing
point, use the recommended washer fluid
which contains antifreeze.
Do not use the engine antifreeze
or any other fluids which are not
suitable, because it may damage your
vehicle’s paint & exterior.
Power Steering
Fluid Reservoir