Pos: 136 /Produktfamilien/Alle Geräte/Überschriften/Überschriften 1.1/Ö/Überschrift 1.1: Ölstand prüfen @ 20\mod_1268827315211_75.docx @ 827233 @ 2 @ 1
Checking the Fluid Level
Pos: 137 /Produktfamilien/Hebetechnik/- Archiv -/00 Hebetechnik Alle/Inhalte/Info!/Inhalt: Info - Tausch von Öl und Druckschläuchen_12pt @ 26\mod_1325753763930_75.docx @ 1147073 @ @ 1
Replace the hydraulic fluid periodically, depending on aging, soiling and water
When topping up, use fluid with the same specification only.
If the lift is operated permanently at an ambient temperature of < 15 °C (59 °F),
use hydraulic fluid with a lower viscosity.
The pressure hoses should be replaced as required, but after six years at the
Pos: 138 /Produktfamilien/Hebetechnik/- Archiv -/32 Stempel-Hebebühnen/0001 Stempel-Hebebühnen Alle/Inhalt/Inhalt: Hydrauliköl nachfüllen Stempel_HBZ @ 26\mod_1326035058602_75.docx @ 1147815 @ @ 1
1 Fully lower the lift and any accessory equipment.
2 Remove the center cover.
3 Remove the filler screw at the hydraulic power unit.
4 When checking the fluid level using the dipstick, do not screw in the filler screw.
The fluid level should be between the top and bottom level marks.
5 Refill fluid with HLPD 22 / HLP 22 (biodegradable) specification. Capacity is
indicated on the reservoir.
6 Completely screw in the filler screw.
Pos: 139 /Produktfamilien/Alle Geräte/Überschriften/Überschriften 1.1/SCH/Überschrift 1.1: Schmierstellen @ 14\mod_1241506822762_75.docx @ 370057 @ 2 @ 1
Greasing Points
Pos: 140 /Produktfamilien/Hebetechnik/- Archiv -/32 Stempel-Hebebühnen/0001 Stempel-Hebebühnen Alle/Inhalt/Inhalt: 3200 Schmierstellen Stempel-HBZ @ 28\mod_1335184053867_75.docx @ 1588853 @ @ 1
Lightly oil the entire length of the ram and gear rack every six months or as re-
quired (e.g. in the event of noise).
Inspect the support arm extensions every six months for smooth operation and
lubricate if necessary.
Inspect the support plate threads every six months for smooth operation and
lubricate if necessary.
Inspect the rubber pads every six months for wear and replace if necessary.
Pos: 141 /Produktfamilien/Hebetechnik/- Archiv -/00 Hebetechnik Alle/Inhalte/Inhalt: Schmierstellen Tragarme (Bilder) HBZ @ 23\mod_1296638875653_0.docx @ 969223 @ @ 1
Pos: 142 /-----Format-----/Seitenumbruch @ 0\mod_1134403577687_0.docx @ 1277 @ @ 1