Pos: 95 /Produktfamilien/Alle Geräte/Überschriften/Überschriften 1.1/V/Überschrift 1.1: Vorbereitungen @ 8\mod_1204639543920_75.docx @ 155816 @ 2 @ 1
Pos: 96 /Produktfamilien/Hebetechnik/- Archiv -/32 Stempel-Hebebühnen/0001 Stempel-Hebebühnen Alle/Inhalt/Inhalt: Vorbereitungen Stempel-HBZ_12pt @ 26\mod_1326277483127_75.docx @ 1151531 @ @ 1
Swing Arm Superstructure
1 Fully lower the lift. Swing arms sideways to clear the approach path.
2 Slowly center the vehicle between the cylinders.
3 Apply the parking brake to prevent the vehicle from rolling off.
4 Position all four adapters under vehicle manufacturer's recommended lift
5 The support discs are height-adjustable. Make sure they evenly engage the
vehicle frame.
6 Leave the vehicle and the danger zone around the lift.
Flat Head Superstructure
1 Fully lower the lift. Slowly drive the vehicle over the supports so that these are in
center between the axles.
2 Apply the parking brake and use chocks to prevent the vehicle from rolling off.
3 Lift the extensions at their front edges and position them under the vehicle
manufacturer's recommended lift points.
IMPORTANT: Make sure the extensions snap into place!
4 Position spacer blocks under the lift points.
5 Leave the vehicle and the danger zone around the lift.
Runway Superstructure
1 Fully lower the lift. Slowly center the vehicle on the runways.
2 Apply the parking brake and use chocks to prevent the vehicle from rolling off.
3 Leave the vehicle and the danger zone around the lift.
Pos: 97 /-----Format-----/Seitenumbruch @ 0\mod_1134403577687_0.docx @ 1277 @ @ 1