There are two methods of configuring the Echotel Model
338 transmitter:
1. Using the four push buttons and the plug-in LCD module
to perform either the QuickSet or the Complete
Configuration (see below).
2. Using the four push buttons while checking the status of
the COM and ECHO LED’s. Refer to
Section 1.7,
Configuration Without LCD Module.
1.5.1 LCD Module
The LCD module can be used to set any of the configura-
tion parameters used with the 338 transmitter. The LCD
module can also be removed from the transmitter to con-
figure other 338 transmitters, or as a precautionary meas-
ure to avoid unauthorized changes to the configuration
data. It is not necessary to power down the 338 prior to
removing or replacing the LCD module. The 338 is fully
functional without the plug-in LCD module.
The LCD module consists of a bar graph that indicates
echo strength or level as a percentage of span, and a cus-
tom graphics display that shows all configuration, meas-
urement, and diagnostic data. The symbols at left are used
in the LCD module:
= Distance from the face of the transducer to
the liquid surface
= Level measurement from the bottom of
the vessel
= Volume of liquid in the vessel
= Flow measurement in the flume or weir
= Programming mode (transmitter is being
= Displays the volume in the resettable totalizer
= Displays the volume in the non-resettable
= A diagnostic failure has been detected
= Indicates increasing level in the vessel
= Indicates decreasing level in the vessel
= Indicates stable level in the vessel
51-638 Echotel Model 338 Two-Wire Ultrasonic Transmitter