ORI-46.650 Jupiter Magnetostrictive Transmitters
ORI-46.650 Jupiter Magnetostrictive Transmitters
Utilizing the Wiedemann effect to
create a mechanical torsion or twist in a ferromagnetic wire
which occurs as a result of the interaction between an elec-
trical pulse on the wire and a magnetic field from the float.
Measured Value
The typical level measurement values
used to track the level of a process: Level, % Output, and
The liquid material being measured by the level
The ability to install, wire, or communicate
with multiple devices over one cable. Each device is given a
unique address and ID.
Nonhazardous Area
An area where no volatile mixtures
of vapors/gas and oxygen will be found at any time. Also
called General Purpose Area.
Non-incendive Equipment
And wiring which in its nor-
mal operating condition is incapable of igniting a specific
hazardous atmosphere or hazardous dust layer.
The distance from the bottom of the tank to the
bottom of the probe.
A numerical value between 0 and 255 that
protects stored configuration data from unauthorized
Percent (%) Output
The present reading as a fraction of
the 16mA scale (4–20mA).
Poll Address
A number between 1 and 15 which sets an
address or location of a device in a multi-drop loop.
A waveguide that propagates an electromagnetic
pulse from the top of the tank into the process fluid.
Probe Length
Exact measurement from the bottom of
the process thread connection to the very bottom of the
A value related to probe length (factory setting).
The maximum error between two or more
output readings of the same point.
Radio Frequency Interference Electrical
noise that
can have an adverse affect on electrical circuits, particularly
low-power devices.
The difference between the upper and lower limits
of the range.
Specific Gravity (SG)
The ratio of the density of a mate-
rial to the density of water at the same conditions.
Tst Loop
Test Loop
Built-in system capability to test/
calibrate a loop (or separate loop device) by driving the
transmitter output to a particular value.
Trim 4/Trim 20
Built-in system capability to fine tune
the 4 mA and 20 mA points so the transmitter output
corresponds exactly to user’s meter, DCS input, etc.
Two Wire
An electrical instrument design that uses one
set of wires to provide both the supply power and process
measurement signal. The process measurement is achieved
by varying the current of the loop. Also called
Loop Pow-
The engineering units used to measure level in the
system. The choices are in (inches) and cm (centimeters).
Service Policy
Owners of Magnetrol/Orion Instruments controls
may request the return of a or any part of an in-
strument for complete rebuilding or replacement.
They will be rebuilt or replaced promptly. Instru-
ments returned under our service policy must be
returned by prepaid transportation.
Magnetrol/Orion will repair or replace the control
at no cost to the purchaser (or owner) other than
transportation if:
1. Returned within the warranty period; and
2. The factory inspection finds the cause of the
claim to be covered under the warranty.
If the trouble is the result of conditions beyond
our control; or, is NOT covered by the warran-
ty, there will be charges for labor and the parts
required to rebuild or replace the equipment.
In some cases it may be expedient to ship replace-
ment parts; or, in extreme cases a complete new
instrument, to replace the original equipment
before it is returned. If this is desired, notify the
factory of both the model and serial numbers of
the instrument to be replaced. In such cases, credit
for the materials returned will be determined on
the basis of the applicability of our warranty.
No claims for misapplication, labor, direct or con-
sequential damage will be allowed.
Return Material Procedure
So that we may efficiently process any materials
that are returned, it is essential that a “Return Ma-
terial Authorization” (RMA) number be obtained
from the factory, prior to the material’s return.
This is available through Magnetrol/Orion’s local
representative or by contacting the factory. Please
supply the following information:
1. Company Name
2. Description of Material
3. Serial Number
4. Reason for Return
5. Application
Any unit that was used in a process must be prop-
erly cleaned in accordance with OSHA standards,
before it is returned to the factory.
A Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) must ac-
company material that was used in any media.
All shipments returned to the factory must be by
prepaid transportation.
All replacements will be shipped F.O.B. factory.
Contact Technical Support:
Toll free 866-55-ORION or [email protected]