Begin by checking the overall length of the #1806
Spring on each side of Crawler. Both Springs
should be compressed to an overall length of 1-
3/8”. [The length measured is only the Spring;
include the #1689 Washers in your measure-
If your Springs have lost this 1-3/8” dimension, or
you have just replaced a #1806 Spring or broken
#1810 Tension Bolt, follow this procedure:
From “outside” the Crawler’s Body, fully loosen
(but do not remove) the five nuts on each (Left &
Right) #1611 Front Axle Plate.
Remove the Jam Nut on the threaded end of each
#1810 Tension Bolt. Rotate (clockwise or counter-
clockwise) the Locknut on each #1810 Tension
Bolt so that its respective #1689 Washer (next to
#1806 Spring) is pushed forward (or released
rearward) thereby setting its respective #1806
Spring to a final length of 1-3/8”.
[Work back and forth, from left side to right side of
Crawler, tightening each Spring 1/4” at a time until
you have achieved a 1-3/8” overall length for both
Springs. [Measure Spring length only].
Using a “blunt-nose punch” and hammer, push the
#1611 Front Axle Plate (located on both sides of
Crawler Body) rearward till it hits a solid stop (ap-
proximately 3/16”).
: in the work done in
steps above, this Plate may have already moved
rearward. To check, push Plate forward from the
rear, then push it back the required 3/16” distance.
Tighten the five nuts securing left & right #1611
Front Axle Plates.
NOTE: This is a simple adjustment, but it’s
proper execution results it extremely stable
Track performance in the future!
Remount and safely restart your Crawler. Drive it
approximately 25 feet forward and then go in re-
verse, back to your starting point. Shut off the en-
gine, set Parking Brake and dismount. Check the
overall length of your #1806 Springs for any
changes in length. Readjust to proper 1-3/8” over-
all length if necessary.
When satisfied, mount a Jam Nut to remaining
ends of each #1810 Tension Bolt. Hold each Lock-
nut with a “thin profile” 3/4” open end wrench, and
tighten each Jam Nut with a 3/4” box wrench
Tighten the five nuts securing Left & Right #1611
Front Axle Plates
Push #1611 fully to rear,
approximately 3/16”!