As the Track is rotated forward, work the forward
end of the Track outward. Stop working the Track
outward when the Track’s Inner Chain is centered
between the Inner & Outer Sprockets of the Front
Idler...see above.
In a similar manner, rotate the Track rearward
making sure that the Track’s Inner Chain remains
between the Inner & Outer Sprockets on the Front
Idler. This time work the rearward end of the Track
over both the Inner & Outer Sprockets of the Rear
Drive...see drawing above.
Pulling forward on the Track will allow you to now
loop the Track off the remaining Outer Sprocket
on the Front Idler allowing complete Track re-
Before replacing a Track, it’s wise to thoroughly
clean it of all debris...a pressure wash job is a
good idea.
Slip the rearward end of Track around the Inner &
Outer Sprockets of the Rear Drive engaging the
Track’s Inner Chain between the Inner & Outer
Sprockets of the Rear Drive.
Loop the forward end of the Track around the
Inner & Outer Sprockets of Front Idler engaging
the Track’s Inner Chain between the Inner & Outer
Sprockets of the Front Idler. The Track’s Inner
Chain should now be located between the Inner &
Outer Sprockets of the Front Idler and Rear Drive.
Begin rotating the Track rearward. As the Track
rotates rearward work the Track inward until the
Track’s Inner & Outer Chains align and engage
the teeth of their mating Inner & Outer Sprockets
of the Rear Drive.
Rotate Track forward and work the Track inward
until the Track’s Inner & Outer Chains align and
engage the teeth of their mating Inner & Outer
Sprockets on the Front Idler.
Over protruding “threaded end” of each #1810
Tension Bolt (on each side of Crawler body) slip
on, in the following order: five 1/2” Washers,
#1689 Washer, #1885 Tube, #1806 Spring, and
one #1689 Washer. Secure with Locknut.
(5)1/2” Washers