1 800 623 432
The SMTP Server (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) is a post
output server of an email provider. Emails are sent to this
server for forwarding.
Enter address of SMTP server of Email account.
Enter port of SMTP server. The standard value is 25.
State the encoding used by the SMTP server.
Requires authentication:
State whether the SMTP server
requires authentication. If yes, mark this option and state
the user name and password of the email account.
State email address via which an alarm message
is to be sent.
Recipient 1-4:
Provide up to 4 email addresses via which
an alarm message is to be sent. If you want to a message
to be sent to the email address, sending out the alarm
messages, you have to enter the address also as recipient.
Send IP address:
This option allows you to determine
whether an email will be sent with the current IP address
of the security camera to the listed email addresses as soon
as the IP address of the IP security camera changes.
Fields “Server“, “Port“, “Sender“ and “Recipient 1“ are
mandatory fields. Click on”Test“, to test the email settings. A
test email is then sent to the listed email addresses.
Click on “Save“, to accept the changed settings. The changes
are saved without having to restart the IP security camera.
FTP settings
The IP security camera offers the option to upload images
to an FTP server once or regularly. Specify the required
additional data for an FTP server to be used.
1. Select option “FTP settings” from the bottom of the menu
and select “Use FT”.