P160 User Manual
Out Anti
After a user checks out, only if the last record is a check-in record can the user
check out again; otherwise, the alarm will be triggered. However, the user can check in freely.
In Anti-passback
After a user checks in, only if the last record is a check-out record can the user
check in again; otherwise, the alarm will be triggered. However, the user can check out freely.
In/Out Anti-passback
After a user checks in/out, only if the last record is a check-out record can
the user check in again, or a check-in record can the user check out again; otherwise, the alarm
will be triggered.
Null and Save
Anti-passback function is disabled, but attendance state is reserved.
Device Status
To disable the Anti-Passback function.
All records on the device are check-out records.
All records on the device are check-in records
Duress Option
When users come across duress, select duress alarm mode, the device will then open the door as
usual and send the alarm signal to the backstage alarm.
Duress Function
In [ON] state, press “Duress Key” and then press any registered fingerprint
(within 10 seconds), duress alarm will be triggered after successful verification. In [OFF] state,
pressing “Duress Key” will not trigger the alarm.
Alarm on 1:1 Match
In [ON] state, when a user uses 1:1 Verification Method to verify any
registered fingerprint, alarm will be triggered. In [OFF] state, no alarm signal will be triggered.