Award BIOS Setup 25
PCI/VGA palette
Choose Enabled or Disabled
(default). It determines whether the
MPEG ISA cards can work with
PCI/VGA or not.
Video BIOS
Enabled (default): Map the VGA
BIOS to system RAM.
Disabled: DonÕt map the VGA
BIOS to system RAM.
C8000-CBFFF to
These options are used to shadow
other expansion card ROMs.
3. Press <ESC> and follow the screen instructions to save or
disregard your settings.
Chipset Features Setup
Chipset Features Setup changes the values of the chipset
registers. These registers control the system options.
Run the Chipset Features Setup as follows:
1. Choose ÒCHIPSET FEATURES SETUPÓ from the Main
Menu and a screen with a list of options appears.
Use one of the arrow keys to move between options and
modify the selected options by using PgUp/PgDn/+/Ð