TRX Glossary
Your TR7 account syncs seamlessly with TRX Trailhead and all TRX companion mobile apps. This glossary will familiarize
you with all functions associated with your TR7 and all applications accessible with your TRX user account.
Unless otherwise noted, all interface terms are applicable to the TR7 device and all TRX mobile apps.
Account Profile:
overarching term for data associated with a user’s account, including user name, password, saved trails/
trips, social media accounts, etc.
aggregate of badges earned by a user for riding a certain amount of miles, riding in specific locations,
riding in specific sponsored events, etc.
Active Track:
the real-time tracking of a user’s geographic location.
All Trails:
trails that appear orange when a user pans across the map in TRX Trailhead.
allows a user to return to the beginning of their Active Track. When selected, the user’s track is highlighted,
guidance arrows mark the route ahead of the user’s current position, and child waypoints alert the user along the Active
Track. Voice notifications alert the user at the end of the Active Track.
lowest layer of the map that provides geographic context to orient users on the map.
TRX users can toggle between two basemap views:
Map View: shows road network, topography, selected land use areas such as forest and park boundaries, street labels,
populated areas, etc.
Satellite View: shows aerial imagery of the earth’s surface (requires subscription).
Bearing Line Navigation:
user selects a destination waypoint. TRX displays a highlighted bearing line to the destination at
all times. All Trail and Track types user has turned ON appear on the Basemap. No guidance arrows, Child Waypoint pop-
ups, or audio guidance is provided, but the distance to the user’s destination (as the crow flies) is displayed.
Child Waypoint:
a waypoint recorded either during an active track, when a user attaches the waypoint to a Trip, Track,
or Trail that already exists, or when a user attaches the waypoint to a Trip or Track that they are creating but not actively
recording at the time.
Detail Waypoint:
created by a user by pausing an Active Track, selecting the Detail Waypoint icon, and choosing a waypoint
and associated details from the Detail Waypoint menus.
Dirt Miles:
cumulative amount of miles logged by a user when a Track is saved to the user’s account. A user can earn
Achievements for driving increasing amounts of Dirt Miles.
Elevation Profile:
interactive box showing elevation gain/loss on a trail, measured by Start and End elevations (TRX
Trailhead only).
Filter (Search):
used in Search to narrow down Trail, Trip, and POI results in the Basemap (TR7 and TRX Apps).
contains a user’s Log and Wish List.
stores all of a user’s recorded tracks, waypoint data, and uploaded GPX data.
Mark Waypoint:
button that allows a user to add a Quick Waypoint (tracking in progress) or Detailed Waypoint (tracking
icon associated with a location in the basemap indicating the type of Trail, Track, POI, etc.
Marker Label:
text pop-up associated with a location in the basemap displaying information about the Trail, Track, or POI.
Street Route:
a path through a road network(s).