Signal Quality/Navigation Window (Sig/Nav)
This window allows you to monitor Signal/Noise ratios for re-
ceived satellites. This information is shown in graphical form
(see opposite).
The signal quality window will grow or shrink to accommodate
the number of satellites in view.
The Position pane provides the coordinates of the current GPS
position, including elevation or altitude, and the number of
satellites (used and received).
Azimuth and Elevation Graph (Azmth/Elvn)
This graph shows all the satellites currently in view.
Each satellite is identified by its pseudo-random number
(PRN), its azimuth and elevation angles.
Panel Window (Panel)
This window displays the following parameters relevant to the
MobileMapper CE unit:
Vertical speed.
Statistics Window (Stats)
This window provides the averaged coordinates of the comput-
ed position and shows the accuracy figures corresponding to
the GPS receiver used in static mode. The Dilution of Preci-
sion (DOP) values are also displayed.
The data displayed on this tab may be controlled from the Log
menu (see