Appendix C
Frequently Asked Questions
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Appendix C - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Do I need to be a AAA member to access the AAA TourBook or AAA Roadside Assistance screen?
No. You can access all the features under the AAA TourBook. However you must be a AAA
member to receive AAA services and discounts. Most new enrollee’s can receive immediate
Roadside Assistance, but not all AAA Clubs offer immediate enrollment/benefits.
Can I stop the default map from changing to night mode?
Yes. Auto Night Mode can be disabled. From the Menu Screen select User Options > Map Options
> uncheck the Auto Night Mode box to retain the default map at all times. To enable. Check the
Auto Night Mode box to change the map to night mode. Auto Night Mode switches around 6 p.m.
local time. Please be aware the receiver has to be locked onto satellites to determine the correct
map mode.
How do I adjust the time on my Magellan Maestro?
The receiver’s time can be adjusted in the System Settings. From the Menu Screen select User
Options > select System Settings > select Time Zone > select the + or – button to choose the
correct Time Zone for your area. Check the Daylight Savings box in if your area observes daylight
savings time. Uncheck in the Fall to return to standard time. Select Save to retain your settings.
How old is the map data in my Magellan Maestro?
Tthe Magellan Maestro Map data is current as of 3rd Quarter 2006. To be notified of possible
updates and news, please register your receiver online at
Are Canadian maps available for the Magellan Maestro 4000?
No. Canadian Maps will not be made available on the Magellan Maestro 4000.