Dachnaya – Eco”-4 greenhouse installation manual
Technical certificate
General view of the frame is represented in fig. 1. Install parts in such a way
to make profile side shelves facing covering. The frame is constructed from
numbered elements and some of the elements consist of several parts, which
have the same number but different indexes.
- end (along the length of greenhouse);
- joint (a joint of covering panels);
- bottom;
- top;
- right;
- left;
- additional small side window;
- сthe arrow indicates installation direction according to manuals’ schemes.
Left side is from the left when standing outside of the greenhouse in front of
the door.
Right Side is from the right when standing outside of the greenhouse in front
the door.
Parts are to be assembled through profile overlapping and fastening with
screws and nuts through the holes. When assembling the greenhouse, do not
tighten the screws completely (except assemblage of parts 1 and 3) because
joint play is needed for aligning the greenhouse on the place of installation.
When assembling, be careful not to damage the part since they are not rigid
enough until they are fully assembled. Use supports (e.g. chairs) at intermediate
stages of assemblage for uniform lift of the assembled frame. For the hole
aligning use a nail of 4 mm in diameter or a drift pin with a tapered end
Some parts have free
holes resulted from
uniformity of parts.
Warranty liabilities
1. The manufacturer bears responsibility for the greenhouse frame complete
2. The manufacturer bears responsibility for the greenhouse assemblability in
accordance with the manual.
3. The manufacturer bears responsibility for the greenhouse durability under
specified magnitude of atmospheric actions.
4. Claim presentation period is 12 months from the date of purchase.
Warranty conditions
Warranty liabilities do not apply to cases of:
1. Greenhouse installation with violation of requirements of the manual.
2. Violation of the rules of operation.
3. Inappropriate use of the greenhouse.
4. Floods, hurricanes and other natural disasters.
5. Deformation of the greenhouse as a result of seasonal solid shear.
Manufacturer: VOLYA LLC, per. Severny, 8, Dubna, Moscow region, 141983, Russia
The manufacturer bears responsibility for quality of products in accordance with RF CC. The
manufacturer reserves the right for greenhouse engineering design changes.
Date of manufacture:
Warranty liabilities
Be careful while assembling! Parts have sharp angles. Avoid hand cuts!
Work in protective gloves.