In this application (above) the Fan or primary relay is used as a low level alarm relay. The Alarm or secondary relay is used as a
supervisory relay when utilized in the normally closed configuration. The CD-6 monitors all critical functions of the unit through software
diagnostics that continually test and verify its operations. If a problem is found, the unit will switch to a fail-safe/error mode or trouble
condition. In this error mode the Fan* and Alarm relays will be activated indicating the trouble condition at panel and the CD-6 display
will flash the error. *See the Trouble Fan Setting Option.
Power Up
The CD-6 cycles through an internal self-test cycle for the first minute that it is powered. The unit will execute the test cycle any time
power is dropped and reapplied (i.e. power failure). During the self-test cycle the unit will display the firmware version number, then
count down from 60 to 0 (if the display setting is “On”) and finally go into normal operation. The alarm relay will be activated for 10
seconds and the fan relay for 60 seconds during the power-up cycle unless the “Power Up Test” (PUt) option is OFF. The indicator light
(LED) will flash green during the self-test cycle. At the end of the 1 minute cycle, the unit will take its first sample of the air and the
indicator light will turn solid green.