calling JMX from Flash 134
getting a reference to 135
invoking methods in ActionScript 135
Microsoft .NET
about 143
Flash Remoting design patterns 144
Flash Remoting directory structure 145
migrating to ActionScript 2.0 22
Remote DataGrid example 24
taking full advantage 23
model, model-view-controller pattern 15
named arguments, using with ColdFusion 43
namespace, using in code-behind files 150
NetConnection ActionScript object
setCredentials method 165
setDebugID method 95
trace method 96
NetConnection Debugger
ActionScript for 94
application server event messages 93
client event messages 92
ColdFusion event messages 94
common event information 91
configuring output in ActionScript 96
event types 89
Flash Communication Server events 94
using 87
NetDebug ActionScript object
trace method 95
NetDebug class
description 32
importing 36
NetDebugConfig ActionScript object 96
getting with getDebugConfig method 96
gateway for 38
NetServices class
description 33
importing 36
notifications, using with RecordSet objects 78
numeric data in ColdFusion 70
objects, using in Flash Remoting applications 70
pageable record sets 82, 104
PendingCall class
description 33
importing 36
realtime_server, NetConnection Debugger event types
record sets
about 74
ColdFusion components, returning from 106
ColdFusion pages, returning from 103
debugging 90
delivering data from ColdFusion MX 81
filtering 80
incremental 104, 106
pageable 82, 104
sorting 80
See also
RecordSet ActionScript object
app_server event type 91
client event type 90
RecordSet ActionScript object
addItemAt method 78
addView method 79
bindFormatFunction method 84
bindFormatStrings method 84
changing data in 77
creating 76
data, editing 81
displaying in Flash with ActionScript 155
event descriptor messages 79
filtering 80
Flash MX UI components 83
getting data values, getting 76
incremental record sets 104, 106
information, getting 77
items, adding 78
methods 75
methods and properties, using 76
notifications, using 78
pageable 82
record fields, renaming 78
records, adding 78
records, removing 78
records, replacing 78
records, replacing and renaming 78
removeItemAt method 78