Creating and using COM objects
<cffunction name="getFixedDriveSpace" returnType="struct" output=True>
<!--- If the FileSystemObject does not exist in the Application scope,
create it. --->
<!--- For information on the use of initialization variables and locking in
this code, see “Locking application variables efficiently” in Chapter 15,
“Using Persistent Data and Locking” --->
<cfset fso_is_initialized = False>
<cflock scope="application" type="readonly" timeout="120">
<cfset fso_is_initialized = StructKeyExists(Application, "fso")>
<cfif not fso_is_initialized >
<cflock scope="Application" type="EXCLUSIVE" timeout="120">
<cfif NOT StructKeyExists(Application, "fso")>
<cfobject type="COM" action="create"
name="Application.fso" server="\\localhost">
<!--- Get the drives collection and loop through it to populate the
structure. --->
<cfset drives=Application.fso.drives()>
<cfset driveSpace=StructNew()>
<cfloop collection="#drives#" item="curDrive">
<!--- A DriveType of 2 indicates a fixed disk --->
<cfif curDrive.DriveType IS 2>
<!--- Use dynamic array notation with the drive letter for the struct key
<cfset driveSpace["#curDrive.DriveLetter#"]=curDrive.availablespace>
<cfreturn driveSpace>
<!--- Test the function. Get the execution time for running the function --->
<cfset start = getTickCount()>
<cfset DriveInfo=getFixedDriveSpace()>
<h3>Getting fixed drive available space</h3>
<cfoutput>Execution Time: #int(getTickCount()-start)# milliseconds</
<cfdump label="Drive Free Space" var="#driveInfo#">
Example 2: Using the Microsoft Word application object
The following example uses the Microsoft Word application COM object in the Application
scope to convert a Word document to HTML. This example works with Word 2000 as written.
To work with Word 97, change “Val(8)” to “Val(10)”.
This example uses an Application scope lock to ensure that no other page interrupts creating the
object. Once the Word object exists, the example uses a named lock to prevent simultaneous
access to the file that is being converted.
<cfapplication name="comtest" clientmanagement="No" Sessionmanagement="yes">
<!--- Uncomment the following line if you need to delete the object from the
Application scope --->
<!--- <cfset structdelete(Application, "MyWordObj")> --->
<!--- use the GetTickCount function to get a current time indicator, used for
displaying the total processing time. --->
Summary of Contents for ColdFusion MX
Page 1: ...Developing ColdFusion MX Applications...
Page 22: ...22 Contents...
Page 38: ......
Page 52: ...52 Chapter 2 Elements of CFML...
Page 162: ......
Page 218: ...218 Chapter 10 Writing and Calling User Defined Functions...
Page 250: ...250 Chapter 11 Building and Using ColdFusion Components...
Page 264: ...264 Chapter 12 Building Custom CFXAPI Tags...
Page 266: ......
Page 314: ...314 Chapter 14 Handling Errors...
Page 344: ...344 Chapter 15 Using Persistent Data and Locking...
Page 349: ...About user security 349...
Page 357: ...Security scenarios 357...
Page 370: ...370 Chapter 16 Securing Applications...
Page 388: ...388 Chapter 17 Developing Globalized Applications...
Page 408: ...408 Chapter 18 Debugging and Troubleshooting Applications...
Page 410: ......
Page 426: ...426 Chapter 19 Introduction to Databases and SQL...
Page 476: ...476 Chapter 22 Using Query of Queries...
Page 534: ...534 Chapter 24 Building a Search Interface...
Page 556: ...556 Chapter 25 Using Verity Search Expressions...
Page 558: ......
Page 582: ...582 Chapter 26 Retrieving and Formatting Data...
Page 668: ......
Page 734: ...734 Chapter 32 Using Web Services...
Page 760: ...760 Chapter 33 Integrating J2EE and Java Elements in CFML Applications...
Page 786: ...786 Chapter 34 Integrating COM and CORBA Objects in CFML Applications...
Page 788: ......