Hydra LAN User Guide
5.3.2 USB Backup
The USB backup function can be used to quickly and conveniently copy the files from an
external USB drive (FAT32 only) to the internal SATA hard drives.
1. Connect the USB drive (FAT32 only) to the front port of the Hydra LAN and wait about
10 seconds for the drive to mount.
2. Press the COPY button just beside the USB port for 4 seconds to backup your files.
3. A new folder based on date and time will be created in the “/public” directory. All files
will be copied to that folder.
4. During the backup process, the USB LED will blink yellow. When finished, the USB
LED will stop blinking and it will automatically eject the drive. At that point, you can
remove the USB drive.
Note: For external USB devices, we recommend using self-powered USB drives. Only
drives formatted using FAT32 are supported! If more than one USB drive is connected,
only the files from the second drive will be copied.
Page 42 / Chapter 5 - Additional Features