2.1.2 MaIN MeNu
After you logged in, the system main menu is shown as below. See Figure 2-2.
There are six icons: search, information, setting, backup, advanced and shutdown.
You can move the cursor to highlight the icon, and then double click mouse to enter the sub-
Figure 2-2
2.1.3 LOgOuT
There are two ways to log out.
The first one is from menu option:
In the main menu, click shutdown button, you can see an interface is shown as below. See
Figure 2-3.
Figure 2-3
There are several options. See Figure 2 4.
Figure 2-4
The other method is to press power button on the front panel for at least 3 seconds, the
system will stop all operations. Then you can click the power button in the front panel to turn
off the DVR. Priority
Please note the activation of snapshot has a higher priority than schedule snapshot. If you
have enabled these two types at the same time, the system will activate snapshot when
alarm occurs, otherwise system just operates the scheduled snapshot.
2.5.2 IMage FTP
In the Network interface, you can set FTP server information. Please enable the FTP
function and then click the save button. See Figure 2-10. Please refer to the User’s Manual
included in the resource CD for detailed information.
Boot up corresponding FTP server.
Enable schedule snapshot or activation snapshot (Chapter 2.3.3) the system can then
upload the image file to the FTP server.
Figure 2-10
2.5.3 SNaPSHOT dISk
Set one disk as snapshot (Main menu->Advanced->HDD management) and then click the
execute button. See Figure 2-11. The system will then need to reboot to get the current
setup activated.
Figure 2-11
All scheduled snapshot files or activated snapshot files will be recorded in the snapshot disk