Revision A
Operating Recommendations
Use the following settings when first setting up the Double Windrow Attachment (DWA).
Operating with 4.6
7.6 m (15
25 ft.) Headers
Refer to the following operating recommendations when using the Double Windrow Attachment (DWA) with 4.6
7.6 m
25 ft.) headers:
On the first pass, raise the side delivery system and deposit the crop between the wheels of the windrower.
On the return pass, lower the side delivery system and deposit the crop beside the previously laid windrow.
With a center-delivered crop, the position of the crop can be adjusted by using the side deflectors on the
forming shields.
With a side-delivered crop, the position of the crop can be adjusted by adjusting the draper speed (faster draper speeds
will throw the crop farther).
Operating with an R Series Rotary Disc Header
Because the conditioner rolls on an R Series header are farther ahead than all other headers, delivering light crop from the
conditioner rolls to the side delivery deck on the Double Windrow Attachment (DWA) may require special attention.
The following three areas can affect crop flow to the deck:
Crop flow from the cutterbar to the rolls
The cut width of the header must be kept as full as possible on the right side. Any setting less than 75% may have
adverse effects on feeding.
Tall crop feed plates should only be installed when cutting tall, heavier crops; they can degrade the performance of the
cutterbar if they are used in medium to light alfalfa.
Higher ground speeds will usually result in better crop flow from the conditioner rolls to the deck. Ground speed should
be a minimum of 10 km/h (6 mph) for light crops.
Disc speed must be within the recommended range for the specific crop/yield. Refer to the header operator
s manual
for further instructions.
Crop flow from the conditioner rolls to the forming shield
The rear baffle on the R Series Header should be in the uppermost position. However, it may need to be lowered for
center windrowing.
Remove the fins on the rear baffle of the header to prevent interference with the flow of the crop.
The crop trajectory arc is higher with a steeper header angle. The angle of the header should be set such that the crop
is projected at a maximum arc height without excessive contact with the top forming shield.
It may be possible to shoot crop above the forming shield using extreme header angle and rear baffle positions.
In rocky conditions where a DWA is necessary, a high skid shoe kit or adjustment to the gauge rollers may be required
to achieve the correct stubble height while maintaining the proper crop trajectory.
Header height affects the header angle. Ideally, the lift linkage should be fully down at all times.
The roll gap should be small enough so that the DWA can properly grab the crop and throw it.
The roll speed is mechanically tied to the disc speed and can affect how fast the crop is thrown. The roll speed should
be in the recommended range.