Replace Printhead
This initiates the interface for replacing a printhead. The servicing technician is prompted
to select the desired color channel to be emptied of ink.
Fill Replaced Printhead
After a printhead has been replaced, this routine refills that channel and prompts the servicing
technician to update the printhead voltage values for the affected head(s).
Print Info Pages
Commands the printer to print a text copy of all current printer settings and additional printer
information. This option is invaluable as a remote troubleshooting/diagnostic tool, as it
produces a snapshot of all printer settings. The printed page can then be faxed, scanned
and emailed, or sent in with additional samples for evaluation.
Install Shipping Restraint
This procedures walks the operator through installing the carriage shipping restraint. If
this restraint is to be used, it is very important that this menu option be invoked and fol-
lowed. This option sets software flags so that on the next power-up, the printer does not
attempt to move the rail while the restraint is installed. Doing so will inflict severe dam-
age to the printer.
5400 Technical Training Manual
MacDermid ColorSpan Confidential
Page 34 of 39
MacDermid, Inc. 11311 K-Tel Drive, Minnetonka, MN 55343
Phone: 952-944-9457 Fax: 952-944-8507