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Fig. 27
Fig. 28
1. Always hold the product firmly with both hands on gripping surface
(9) and rear handle (1). Never operate this product using only one
hand (Fig. 27).
2. Maintain a firm grip with your thumbs and fingers encircling the
handles. A firm grip will help you reduce ‘kickback’ and maintain
control of the product.
3. Always hold the product at an angle of not more than 60° from the
horizontal level. Otherwise safe operation is not possible (Fig. 28).
4. Never stand directly under the limb you are sawing. Objects may
fall different than expected. Always position yourself out of the path
of falling limps (Fig. 29).
5. Keep other persons away from cutting end of product and at a safe
distance from the work area. Maintain a minimum distance of 10 m
to bystanders (Fig. 30).
Fig. 29
Fig. 30
WARNING! Never climb into a tree to prune! Do not
stand on ladders, platforms, logs, or in any position
which may cause you to lose your balance or control
of the product! When pruning trees, it is important not
to make the flush cut next to main limb or trunk until
you have cut off the limb further out to reduce the
weight! This prevents stripping the bark from the main
6. Never stand on a ladder or other type of unstable support while
using the product. Insecure stand invites hazards (Fig. 31).
Fig. 31
Fig. 32
WARNING! This product has not been designed to
provide protection from electric shock in the event of
contact with overhead electric lines! Therefore do not
use product near cable, electric power or telephone
lines. Keep a minimum distance of 10 m to all electric
lines (Fig. 32).
7. Use the product only with secure footing. Hold the product at
the right-hand side of your body. Regularly change the working
position and include rest periods during operation.
8. Do not operate the product with arms fully extended or attempt to
cut areas which are difficult to reach.
9. Keep a firm, steady pressure on the product while working with
it. Do not try to force the product through the wood, let the cutting