Make sure all clothes can be machine washed.
Separate dark color clothes which may stain light color clothes.
Soak garments that do not absorb water easily.
For heavily soiled clothes, first remove mud or dirt. For best re-
sults, apply detergent directly on stains.
Turn inside out garments that have a tendency to generate or col-
lect lint.
Do not wash items that have been in contact with chemicals.
tips and notes
The capacity of the machine indicates the maximum weight of dry
clothes that the machine can wash or spin at once. Each load must
weigh less than the capacity indicated for the machine.
The thickness, size and fabric of garments affect the actual wash-
ing capacity. Please wash only a load that will have enough room
to turn and spin inside the tub.
To avoid splashing water, do not use the highest water level to
wash a small load.
Do not use detergents that generate high suds.
Do not overload the washer.
When the propeller is operating, the buttons from clothes may
cause noise. To obtain a quiet operation, wash garments that have
buttons with clothes that do not have buttons.