After a few minutes, opening the DSV must generate a characteristic noise due to the es-
cape of gas.
If these two tests don’t work, that means there are some leaks. Thus, it is necessary to find
their origin. The leaks can be due to
a bad setting
one or more defected o-ring(s)
one or more foreign body (Soda grain, little stone, bugs, etc...)
one or more defected component(s)
It can be necessary to unset and to reset the rebreather in order to locate the problem. A
container of water may be helpful to locate origin of bubbles.
negative pressure test
negative pressure test (as Positive pressure test) is used to detect the leaks. The rebreather
can not work properly if there are leaks.
The rebreather must be fully setted and tanks must be closed before performing negative
pressure test. The overpressure valve and the flow stop have to be closed.
In order to see what is going on inside the rebreather during tests, it is better to let the kevlar
bag open.
The goal of this test is to generate a vacuum in the rebreather in order to see if there is some
infiltration of gas.
non exhaustive list