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TOOL REQUIRED FOR ASSEMBLY: screwdriver, 11/32 nut driver or wrench, 7/16” and1/2”  socket or end 

wrenches, measuring tape. 


1.  Assemble the boom using 8-32 X 1-1/4 screws and locknuts to join sections. Sections may may be swaged 

to each other or use 7/8” internal splice sections. 


Note: If mounting antenna to a standard H-frame with a T-brace kit, it is important to 


install the T-brace coupling bars to antenna before elements. Refer to H-Frame and T-


brace  drawings for  placement and more information.  




2.  Lay out the elements by “H” length and position as shown the DIMENSION SHEET. Start with the reflector 

(longest) element. Balance it on your finger to find rough center and push on a black button insulator to about 
1/2” off center. Push the element through the holes 1.937” from the rear of the boom and install the second 
button, snugging it up into boom. DO NOT BOTHER CENTERING the element at this time and DO NOT 
INSTALL the stainless steel shaft retainers yet. It is easier to do it after all the horizontal elements are 
installed in the boom. 


3.  Install the 3/16” rod DRIVEN ELEMENT as you did the reflector. Then continue with the installation of the 


Note that the Director Elements do not consistently diminish in length from rear to front, so pay 

close attention to length and position.  


4.  Now begin centering the elements. Use a tape measure to 

EQUALIZE the amount the element sticking out on each side 
of the boom. Once you have all the elements centered, sight 
down the element tips from the rear comparing each side. 
Look for any obvious discrepancies and correct if found. 


5.  Stainless steel SHAFT RETAINERS lock the elements in 

place. They should always be used for permanent and long 

term antenna installations. For portable or temporary use, the 

button insulators are adequate for holding the elements and 

the retainers may be left off.  


