Quick Recall
Six Quick Recall buttons can be enabled to build lists of patches, sequences and animations
etc. that can be quickly accessed or stored.
To enable the Quick Recall buttons on 001 press the ‘Recall’ button on the front panel and the
menu buttons below the screen become Quick Recall buttons. They correspond to the first six
slots in a bank, there are 6 more available but can only be accessed via the screen controls.
To load a Quick Recall press and release the button. A list of what is currently on the Quick
Recall buttons can be seen on the main Quick Recall page that can be accessed by pressing
the third ‘menu button’ (C) twice.
On this page you can also load a new bank of Quick Recalls, banks can be saved in the same
way as patches or sequences and up to 100 banks are available. The bank contains the 12
Quick Recall slots that are present at the time of saving.
To access a slot to edit or load via the screen navigate to the corresponding slot number and
press ‘Select’.
Quick Recall Slot
The Quick Recall Slot page shows what is currently on the slot as well as providing options to
load or edit the slot.
There are 6 different types of Quick Recall Slot:
1. Patch:
this will load a Patch
2. Performance:
this will load a Multi Timbral setup, which include up to 12 patches,
sequences and animations
3. Sequence:
this will load a Sequence
4. Sequence Set:
coming soon
5. Animator:
this will load an Animation
6. Recall:
this will load a new Quick Recall Bank
To quickly save a Quick Recall Slot press and hold the Quick Recall button corresponding to
the slot number you want to save into.