When pressing and holding the ALT button:
Encoder Knob 1 controls EQ Band 1 On/Off on Channel 1
Encoder Knob 2 controls EQ Band 1 On/Off on Channel 2
Encoder Knob 3 controls EQ Band 1 On/Off on Channel 3
Encoder Knob 4 controls EQ Band 1 On/Off on Channel 4
Encoder Knob 5 controls EQ Band 1 On/Off on Channel 5
Encoder Knob 6 controls EQ Band 1 On/Off on Channel 6
Encoder Knob 7 controls EQ Band 1 On/Off on Channel 7
Encoder Knob 8 controls EQ Band 1 On/Off on Channel 8
Page 2 and 3:
Encoder Knob 1 controls EQ Band 1 On/Off on selected channel
Encoder Knob 2 controls EQ Band 2 On/Off on selected channel
Encoder Knob 3 controls EQ Band 3 On/Off on selected channel
Encoder Knob 4 controls EQ Band 4 On/Off on selected channel
AUX 3 Button
Page 1 (AUX 3 LED flashing):
Faders 1 – 8 control Master, Sub-Group and Effect Send channels.
Encoder Knobs 1 – 8 control EQ Band 1 frequency on corresponding channels.
Page 2 (AUX 3 LED lit):
Faders 1 – 8 control Master Output channels.
Press AUX 3 a third time to return to normal operational mode.
AUX 4 Button
Press AUX 4 to insert a new audio track in the current project.
AUX 5 Button
Pressing AUX 5 inserts a new MIDI track in the current project.
Pan Button (PAN)
Page 1:
Encoder Knobs 1 – 8 control Pan Left – Right on channels 1 – 8
Page 2:
Encoder Knob 1 controls Pan of selected channel
Encoder Knob 2 controls FX 1 Pan of selected channel
Encoder Knob 3 controls FX 2 Pan of selected channel
Encoder Knob 4 controls FX 3 Pan of selected channel
Encoder Knob 5 controls FX 4 Pan of selected channel
Encoder Knob 6 controls FX 5 Pan of selected channel
Encoder Knob 7 controls FX 6 Pan of selected channel
Encoder Knob 8 controls FX 7 Pan of selected channel
Plug In Button (PLUG IN)
The PLUG IN button generally selects encoder knob control for the parameters of the first selected plug-in in the FX stack. (If there is no plug-in
loaded on the track, nothing will open.)
Again, due to the vast number of different plug-ins on the market, it is beyond the scope of this manual to document each plug-in’s specific
editing parameters.
Select In Button (SEL IN)
The SEL IN button selects SONAR’s UNDO function.
Hold ALT and press SEL IN to select SONAR’s REDO function.
Select Out Button (SEL OUT)
Fit tracks to the window.
Meter Button (MTR)
Fit project to the window.