Audio Setup
ICC (Intersample Clipping Correction)
ICC can be set to enabled or disabled.
Digital audio tracks normally exceed 0 dBFS (decibels relative to full scale), why they will be clipped when
being up sampled or otherwise processed in the audio chain resulting in distortion. With ICC enabled the
TDAI-3400 will dynamically allow for extra headroom to avoid clipping during processing the music.
Changing inputs or going into standby mode will reset the ICC level.
Hot tip:
Press INFO on your remote to see the signal level of the present audio input. It is a peak-
meter and will be reset, when you switch input.
Show RoomPerfect™ bypass
If you want to discover what effect the calibration has had on your sound, you can activate a bypass function,
which now can be selected on your remote control.
Mute at power on if headphones are connected
This function allows you to control, if the headphone connector should control the mute function on your
Main volume control / Headphones volume control
These settings control the overall output through your main speaker system / headphone output
Maximum volume
The maximum volume setting is a safety precaution used for limiting the maximum volume which can be
achieved by spinning the wheel or increasing volume via the remote. This can be set to protect your
loudspeakers against overload.
Default volume
The default volume setting controls the default volume at start-up.