Set the microphone icon position in the control interface
Background Setting
Resolution: Set the background size
Color: Set the background color
Loading Image: Operator can add the background image for the conference layout, for example, the
conference table/ emblem (the image resolution should same as background setting)
Display loading image: to display or hide the background image
Delegate Mic Status:
There are several default microphone icons with different color to show chairman and
delegate microphone status, operator can edit them with user-defined icons
5.2.4 Line Detect
Before start conference, we suggest run line detect function to check the system microphone status first.
Offline means that microphone has data communication problem.
Chairman ID will display in the line detect results.
5.2.4 Video Setting
The software control can set camera presets for every conference microphone. If the conference microphone
is switched on, video tracking system will automatically find the appropriate preset and focus on the speaker.
The view of the speaker will be display on large screen or other display devices. The automatic video
tracking system is compatible with several kinds of video signals and operates automatic video switching.
The video tracking system is composed of video switcher, button board and high-speed dome camera.
If the conference system is equipped with cameras, the system can carry out automatic video tracking, i.e.
display the image of the speaking participator to the display devices (large screen, TV and so on). Preset
position is to set the preset position of each microphone