“Request” mode: When this mode is selected, only controlled by the software operator to decide the
request microphone on/off
1.4.2 Set up of chairman microphone
a) Chairman microphone is unlimited by conference mode, only controlled by itself or software.
b) Chairman Priority: Chairman priority key has two functions (Mute All/Close All) when “Chairman Only”
function is active, all delegate microphones will be off or mute when priority key pressed (Delegate
microphone IPS display will show “Chairman Only”), and the delegate microphones will not reactivate when
key is pressed. These will remain excluded until the chairman again presses the
key to release this mode.
c) We suggest 3 chairman microphone maximum installed in one system, as maximum active microphones
in one system is 4, if active chairman microphones more than 3, then delegate microphones can not active.
1.4.3 Software Control
a) Active microphone limit and microphones mode selection.
b) Microphone ID list, speaking and request list can be displayed on the software and through which the
operation can turn/on/off the microphones
c) Set up microphone functions (such as speaking, sign in, ballot rights)
d) Speaking time and warning time limit.
e) Predefined position setting, video tracking (support Pelco-D and Visca), maximum 8 cameras can be
f) Edit conference data (such as conference heading, proposal, sub-secreen display, delegates data, ballot
g) System line detection to check microphone status.
1.4.4 Conference recording
a) USB interface for conference recording
b) The TFT display will show the recording information and USB flash disk remaining recording time
1.4.5 Video Camera Auto-tracking
a) Built-in video camera auto-tracking function to support camera track the last active microphone and
display video-Home image (the image when all microphones off) to sub-screens
b) Support up to 8 cameras with video matrix
1.4.6 Conference Monitoring
Build-in 3.5mm phone jack for monitoring the conference status.
1.4.7 Seamlessly integrated with central control system
The seamless integration of CMU (Via RS232C interface of H-9500M) and central control system provides
comprehensive conference system solution. Besides the basic conference management (discussion, video
tracking, ballot, etc.), it also manages peripheral multimedia equipment, surrounding lights, projector display
and sound equipment.
1.4.8 Excellent immunity to RF interference from mobile phones