Brightness adjustment
Switch on the main power switch and set the brighttness control switch (7)
at “N” position. Turn the slit width control knob (12) to make the slit width
to be 2-3mm.
Diopter compensation
The focus of the microscope is calibrated according to the emmetropia.
If the user is an ametropia, he or she should adjust the eyepiece diopter.
Suggest adjusting the diopter as following procedures.
• First, rotate the diopter adjustment ring (19) counter clockwise down to end.
• Second, rotate the ring clockwise untila sharp slit image appears on the
focusing text rod.
• Adjust another eyepieces as the same procedure.
• Racord the diopter value on each eyepiece for future reference.
Pupil distance adjustment
Separate the prism box of the microscope with both hands to adjust the
P.D. until both eyes could see the same image on the focusing test rod
through the eyespieces, and at the same time a stereo vision will be obtained.
Diopter scale
Prism box
At the same
Important Matters
While adjusting the p.d., ensure that both eyepieces are at the same height.