This Shock-WAV Wi-Fi Signal Booster is FCC certified for use with various antenna options
(see section 3.5). In order to comply with FCC certification, cables connecting the device to the
antenna must be no less than 1 foot in length. Luxul Wireless offers a variety of cable lengths that
can be purchased separately and used in conjunction with the Shock-WAV device.
Splitters and Surge Protectors:
Signal splitters, lightning surge protectors, and other useful
accessories are available for making the most of your Luxul Wireless purchase.
Mounting Brackets:
Luxul Wireless offers several mounting brackets and stands for mounting
the Shock-WAV Wi-Fi Signal Booster and associated antennas.
3.5 AntennA oPtionS
The following antennas have been certified for use with the Shock-WAV Wi-Fi Signal Booster
and AP-5181 WAP.
- 9dBi Omni Directional Antenna
Luxul XW-24-FP7
- 7dBi Circular Polarized Patch Antenna
Luxul XW-24-FPS11
- 11dBi Circular Polarized Sector Antenna
Luxul XW-24-H10
- 10dBi Circular Polarized Helical Antenna
4 - inStAllAtion ProcedureS
The combination of the Motorola AP-5181 and the Shock-WAV Wi-Fi
Signal Booster requires professional installation. Please contact Luxul
Wireless for more information.
4.1 AttAching Shock-WAV Wi-Fi SignAl BooSter to the MotorolA AP-5181
The Signal Booster is designed to be mounted to the
front of the AP-5181 but may be mounted elsewhere to
fit the needs of your installation environment.
Remove the four Phillips Pan Head screws from the
front of the Motorola AP-5181. Place the Shock-WAV
Signal Booster so the N-Male connectors are on the
same side as the AP-5181’s N-Male connectors and use
the four pan head screws provided to attach the Signal
booster to the WAP (Figure 4.1.1).
Figure 4.1.1