Subject to alteration.
Subject to alteration.
• Read all the maintenance instructions before you begin
handling this product.
• The cooler shall be installed at a location where
it is out of reach of the general public.
• Permit only trained persons who have knowledge of the
product and appropriate safety precautions to carry out
any work on the cooler.
Never stand or walk on the cooler since this can
result in personal injury or damage to the cooler.
Both the cooler and exhaust air can be hot when
in use, which can cause personal injury.
Warning! The cooler must not be installed in
environments where there is a risk of explosions.
The ATDC must be permanently installed. Fasteners and
brackets are to be sufficiently stable to support the net
weight of the unit heater/cooler, and the weight of the
fluid that the heat exchanger is filled with.
Operating pressure
The ATDC may only be used in a system designed for
the maximum working pressure MWP (MPa) and the
maximum temperature MWT (°C) as stated on the unit
heater’s/cooler´s rating plate.
Pipe connections on the heat exchanger must not be
subjected to the weight of the connecting pipe system,
or the expansion forces of the pipe system.
Loads and impact can damage the heat exchanger.
Do not load the heat exchanger’s connection pipes during
installation. Counterhold couplings to prevent pipes from
rotating when tightening the connection couplings.
Only use environmentally friendly cleaning agent that will
not damage the heat exchanger.
High temperatures
Component parts, such as, connection pipes and the outer
casing can become hot when the unit heater is running.
The outlet air may also be hot.
Condensated water in air flow
During cooling operation there is a risk of condensation
on the heat exchanger, which may cause condensated
water to enter the air flow. In these operation modes a
lower rpm should be selected (valid for seizes ATDC-55-3
and 66-3 high speed operation).
Luvata Söderköping AB is certified according to the
quality management system ISO 9001:2008 and
according to the environment management system
ISO 14001:2004.
Safety instructions and warnings
Figure 1. Counterhold couplings during pipe installation.