Drill Ejector type Tell
This Drilling Machine is fitted with a built-in Drill Ejector, the
mechanism and instructions for use outlined below.
When it is desired to remove a taper shank drill or chuck from the
spindle, the pivoting finger stop is swung outward away from the
spindle by pressing the short extended section, as shown in figure
2. This allows the quill unit to be raised an extra 1/4”. The drill
or chuck shank is then ejected from out of the spindle by giving
a light jerk on the feed lever. The pivoting finger stop in the “IN”
position, as shown in figure 1. Prevents the quill unit from retur
ning completely into quill housing, this preventing the tang on the
drill shank from contacting the drill ejector during normal use.
It sometimes occurs that the drill or chuck shank may stick in the
taper socket, making ti difficult to eject. Do not use force to loo
sen it, as this may damage both the spindle shaft and the bearings.
In such case use the standard type of drift and when doing so, lo
wer the spindle and quill unit so that the drift slot is below the
spindle housing.
It is essential for efficient use of the built-in drill ejector, that
drills and chuck shanks are provided with standard tapers and
tangs. If the tang is too short the drill can only be removed by
using a drift by the aforementionded method. With too long a tang
the drill will be removed even if the pivoting finger stop is in the
“IN” position. This can, however, be easily remedied by grinding
down the head of the tang until it clears the ejector.
NOTE: This manual is only for your reference. Owing to the con
tinuous improvement, changes may be made at any time with no
obligation on the part of machine. And please note the local vol
tage for operating this electric machine.