Move sensor
indication icon
Lumenmax Sp. z o. o.
ul. Złota 7/18 , 00-019 Warszawa
[email protected]
If the controller has a configured move sensor (it is activated and the correct controller is selected in Zone as) and
the appropriate alarm condition ( 0 or 1 signal) appears on the move sensor input, the icon visualizing move will
be displayed in the CONTROL tab. In addition, a red LED will light up in the controller. The icon automatically
disappears and the LED is deactivated when the move sensor input signal changes. If the Annihilation is activated
and the move sensor is properly configured, when the alarm is activated (move is detected) the controller will
automatically deactivate the Annihilation and activate the lighting mode. Thanks to communication with other
devices in the zone, Annihilation will be deactivated and lighting mode will be activated in all devices in the zone
(all luminaries in the group).
Lumenmax 2021, all rights reserved ©, users manual version V1.030521