IN 5/9 plus Manual
Controls and Installation
Laser targeting light
For exact measurement of the object temperature, the pyrometer must be aligned correctly
onto the object. For this alignment, the pyrometers are equipped with a laser targeting light.
This laser enables the simple and accurate alignment even onto small objects.
The laser marks the center of the measuring spot. The laser targeting light can be used during
operation without affecting the measurement.
The laser targeting light can be switched on and off either by pressing the button at the
housing or by using an external contact (see
3.1.1 Pin assignment for the connector on the
back side of the pyrometer
) or via PC and the software InfraWin. After two minutes, the laser
targeting light switches off automatically.
Do not look directly into the laser beam! Laser class 2 according to
IEC 60825-1-3-4
To prevent damage to the laser, the laser targeting light switches off
automatically if the internal temperature of the device goes above approx. 50 °C (then
it cannot be switched on again until the temperature is lower than 50 °C again)!
The laser warning signs on the pyrometer should be easily viewable at all times,
even after it has been installed.
Thermal Alignment
When measuring a hot object in front of a cooler background, it usually suffices to align the
pyrometer to achieve the highest temperature reading.