Feel good with heat from electricity - www.technotherm.de
Installa� on and opera� ng instruc� ons for storage hea� ng
Feel good with heat from electricity - www.technotherm.de
Connec� ons of the controller
Connec� on
Pin header
System connector (7-pol.)
TE Connec� vity 1744037-7 TE Connec� vity 1744036-7
TGN und DC (4-pol.)
Molex 22-04-1041
Molex 22-01-1042
Poten� ometer input (3-pol.)
Molex 22-04-1031
Molex 22-01-1032
ED input
ED-System: 80%
ED-Sockel: 2% (Error message at ED-Wert <= 1%)
DC input
DC-control system: Dimplex
Error message at DC voltage < 0,5 V
Residual heat sensor
Sensor type: PT 1000
Value range of the residual heat sensors: -60 °C bis 700 °C
If values are outside the value range, a sensor error is assumed. This is indicated by a red fl ashing LED.
Func� ons
LED signals
During the cold start, the LED lights up orange for approx. 6 seconds. During this � me, the boot loader
is ac� ve. A� erwards, the applica� on starts and the LED lights up green for approx. 15 seconds. During
normal opera� on, the LED does not light up unless there is an error.
The following errors are signalled by the LED:
LED signal
no charge (emergency opera� on) orange
red fl ashing
The hysteresis is the switching range between switching the hea� ng on and off . The hea� ng switches off
when the setpoint load level is reached. It switches on when the set charging level minus the hysteresis
is undershot.